function dynamicThumbnail(url) { $.each(url, function(key, data) { var onReady = function(img, downloadUrl) { img.attr("src", downloadUrl); //console.log(downloadUrl); img.on("error", function() { onError(img); }); }; var onError = function(img) { img.attr("src", _global.baseUrl + "/img/not-available.png"); }; var image = $('#thumb_'+key); if(_global.proxyImage === 1) { var pp = new PagePeekerHelper(image, data, onReady, onError); pp.poll(); } else { onReady(image, data.thumb); } }); } $(document).ready(function(){ $("a.disabled, li.disabled a").click(function(){ return false; }) }); // Constructor function PagePeekerHelper(image, data, onReady, onError) { $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); this.proxy = _global.baseUrl+'/index.php/proxy'; = data; this.onReady = onReady; this.onError = onError; this.image = image; this.pollTime = 20; // In seconds this.execLimit = 3; // If after x requests PP willn't response with status "Ready", then clear interval to avoid ddos attack. } PagePeekerHelper.prototype.poll = function() { var self = this, size = || 'm', url = || '', proxyReset = this.proxy + "?" + $.param({ size: size, url: url, method: 'reset' }), proxyPoll = this.proxy + "?" + $.param({ size: size, url: url, method: 'poll' }), limit = this.execLimit, i = 0, isFirstCall = true; // Flush the image $.get(proxyReset, function() { //console.log("Reseting " + url); var pollUntilReady = function(cb) { //console.log("Polling " + url + " " + (i + 1) + " times"); $.getJSON(proxyPoll, function(data) { //console.log("Received", data); var isReady = (data && data.IsReady) || 0; if(isReady) { //console.log("The " + url + " is ready: " + isReady); self.onReady.apply(self, [self.image,]); return true; } if(data && data.Error) { self.onError.apply(self, [self.image]); return true; } cb(); }).fail(function() { //console.log('Failed to request local proxy script. Clearing the timeout'); self.onError.apply(self, [self.image]); }); }; (function pollThumbnail() { var timeout = isFirstCall ? 0 : self.pollTime * 1000; setTimeout(function() { pollUntilReady(function() { //console.log("Async " + url + " has done"); isFirstCall = false; i++; if(i < limit) { pollThumbnail(); } else { //console.log("Reached limit of reuqests for " + url); self.onError.apply(self, [self.image]); } }); }, timeout); })(); }).fail(function() { self.onError.apply(self, [self.image]); }); }; var WrHelper = (function () { return { isSameArray: function (a1, a2) { var copy = a2.slice(), i = 0, l = a1.length ; for(; i < l; i++) { var index = copy.indexOf(a1[i]); if(index === -1) { return false; } else { copy.splice(index, 1); } } return copy.length === 0; }, } })(); var WrPsi = (function () { var baseApiUrl = ''; return function (o) { var options = $.extend({}, { 'i18nEnterFullscreen': 'Enter fullscreen mode', 'i18nExitFullscreen': 'Exit fullscreen mode', 'iframeWrapperSelector': '.psi__iframe-wrapper', 'analyzeBtnSelector': '.psi__analyze-btn', 'url': '', 'locale': 'en', 'runInstantly': false, 'categorySelector': '[data-psi-category]', // must be checkbox 'strategySelector': '[name="psi__strategy"]', // must be radio }, o); var category$ = $(options.categorySelector); var strategy$ = $(options.strategySelector); var iframeWrapper$ = $(options.iframeWrapperSelector); var btnAnalyze$ = $(options.analyzeBtnSelector); var currentCategories = []; var currentStrategy = null; var isFullscreen = false; btnAnalyze$.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); analyze(); }); if(options.runInstantly) { analyze(); } return { destroy: function () { isFullscreen = false; destroy(iframeWrapper$); } }; // // Instance function // function analyze() { var selectedCategories = getCheckedValues(category$); var selectedStrategy = getFirstChecked(strategy$); if(WrHelper.isSameArray(currentCategories, selectedCategories) && currentStrategy === selectedStrategy) { //console.log(`Skip!`); return; } destroy(iframeWrapper$); currentStrategy = selectedStrategy; currentCategories = selectedCategories; var src = buildIframeSrc({ strategy: selectedStrategy, category: selectedCategories, locale: options.locale, url: options.url, }); var btnToggleView$ = $("